Student: Reset Password EmpowerED

Creation date: 12/9/2020 1:00 PM    Updated: 1/6/2021 10:54 AM   forgot password student student who forgot password

Student: Forgot Password



Reset Password EmpowerED



Intended for

Student who forgot password

Action / Description


1.       Launch the UA&P Student Portal website https://prod-student.uap.



2.       Click the​ ​Forgot your password? ​button.


The system displays the ​Forgot your Password​ form


3.    Fill out the ​Email Address field and click the​ Reset

Password​ button.




The system notifies the student that an instruction to reset the password was sent to the

student email.


  4.     Click the ​OK ​button.



In the student email, the student receives ​Reset Password​ mail, opens the mail to view the instruction on how to reset



  5.     Click the ​link​ button.


Students may copy the url at the bottom of the message if there's

trouble clicking the link.


The password reset link will expire in 60 mins.


The system displays the ​Reset your Password​ form.


6.    Fill out the ​New Password and Confirm Password  fields and click the​ Change Password ​button.




The system notifies the student of the successful change of

password and may now login.


  7.     Click the ​OK ​button.




The system redirects back to the UA&P Student Portal login page with the Email field already filled out.


8.    Fill out the ​Password​ field with the new password, and click the​ Login​ button.



The system launches the ​UA&P Student Portal Dashboard.

