How to: Set-up VPN and Connect to Virtual Machine

Creation date: 5/16/2020 3:15 PM    Updated: 5/16/2020 3:48 PM   gp10 rds sap vpn

1st Step: Set-up VPN on Windows 10

a) Type 'VPN settings' on the search bar.

b) Select VPN settings.

c) Select Add a VPN connection

d) Input the following in the required authentication fields

e) Select the Connect button to connect to the UA&P network.

2nd Step: Connect to Virtual Machine

a) On the search bar type 'remote desktop connection'.

b) Select Remote Desktop Connection (image below).

c) Input the required authentication fields:

Computer: 172.16.10.XXX (ask ICT for the assign I.P address of VM)
Username: "domain account of the user"

d) Click the Connect button
