Eset Installation procedure for mac OS

Creation date: 6/16/2020 2:35 PM    Updated: 7/8/2020 9:52 PM   antivirus mac eset installation

ESET Installation procedure for mac OS

1. Prepare the ESET installer (endpoint security and agent)

2. Extract Agent

3. Copy the Agent to the Desktop

4. Go to Terminal( type the following command)

-cd desktop


5. This will prompt for authentications (just type-in the admin password)

6.Install Endpoint Security

Click install and input the admin password

7. This message will prompt do not close this (just follow the instructions)

8.Security and Privacy ( unlock the security padlock just type in the admin password)

9. click Restart

10. Activate the ESET by Typing in the license key

11.Eset now updating..

